Statement from the Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus

H.E John W Ashe
President of the UN General Assembly
United Nations, New York
Email: fuller@un.org
07 March 2014
Your Excellency,
We refer your Aide Memoire of 26 February 2014, on your decision regarding the High Level Plenary Meeting to be known as World Conference on Indigenous Peoples in September 2014. We have the honor of transmitting our statement on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples of the Asia region.
Civic groups demand amendment of the CHT Land Commission Act during the running session of the Parliament

Civic rights groups demanded to pass the CHT Land Commission (Amendment) Act 2013 Bill during the running session of the Parliament for sake of resolution of long-standing land disputes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) as per CHT Accord.
The demand was raised in a press conference organized by the civic groups in facilitation of Kapaeeng Foundation and Association of Land Reform and Development (ALRD) at Toufiq Aziz Seminar Hall of Daily Star Building On 23 October 2013.